SAA press release: SAA welcomes European Parliament moves to promote European film and TV

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Brussels, Monday 26th September 2016
European Parliament’s Culture committee hearing today on the amending of the Audiovisual Media Services Directive follows the publication of a draft report that looks to narrow the regulatory differences between online and offline services and better promote European works.
SAA published its position on the Commission and Parliament’s proposals welcoming the positive steps to bring video sharing platforms into the scope of the Directive as well as positive action to correct the previous failure of the Directive to promote European works online across Europe. SAA particularly welcomes the strengthening of the quotas for European works on video-on-demand platforms by Parliament co-rapporteurs' Petra Kammerevert and Sabine Verheyen. SAA encourages the European Parliament and Council to go further in ensuring that the Directive remains relevant in the future and supports the development of European creativity. In particular, the Directive should help to promote higher visibility for European works in catalogues of digital services, strengthen investments and financial contributions in favour of creation and give a bigger role to ERGA in drafting guidelines ensuring visibility of European works is achieved.
Cécile Despringre, SAA’s Executive Director said:
The draft report pushes the draft Directive in the right direction. We hope that members of the European Parliament and Council will be forward-looking in their amendments to recognise the crucial role of VOD platforms in relation to the accessibility, visibility and circulation of European works, to the benefit of Europe’s cultural diversity and European citizens”.
About SAA
Founded in 2010, the Society of Audiovisual Authors (SAA) is the association of European collective management organisations representing audiovisual authors. Its 29 members in 22 countries manage rights for over 120,000 film, television and multimedia European screenwriters and directors.
The organisation’s objectives are:
- to defend and strengthen the economic and moral rights of audiovisual authors;
- to secure fair remuneration for audiovisual authors for every use of their works;
- to develop, promote and facilitate the management of rights by member societies.
SAA position paper on the European Commission’s proposal and the Parliament’s draft report is available here.