SGAE press release: SGAE announces the appointment of Luis Felipe Palacios as Director General

On Thursday, January 12, Luis Felipe Palacios was named the new Director General by SGAE's Board of Directors. Palacios takes over with immediate effect, succeeding Enrique Gomez Piñeiro, who retired at the end of 2016.
Palacios has been with SGAE since 2012 as Chief Financial Officer, where he focused on the consolidation of the financial structure of the organization and also implemented the real-estate disinvestment process of SGAE’s Fundación. With this new appointment, SGAE intends to elaborate further on the transformation process initiated in the new Spanish market which is characterized by a greater competition between operators, new consumer habits and stricter requirements for governance and collecting societies.
Palacios holds a doctorate in History of Political Thought, and a Degree in Economics & Business, and in Law. He is also an official on temporary leave from the Senior Corps of Tax Inspectors and the Spanish State Insurance Institute.
SGAE’s new Director General has extended professional experience in Public administration, having worked in the Ministry of Finance, in the Ministry of Culture and in the Ministry of Development, where he served as the director general for Economic Planning.