SPAutores President José Jorge Letria Stresses Importance of Cultural and Creative Industries, Calling for Government Support

In an article titled "Cultura cria emprego e riqueza num mundo inseguro e incerto / Culture Creates Wealth and Jobs in an Uncertain World" SPAutores President José Jorge Letria underscores the economic benefits brought about by cultural and creative industries, as demonstrated in EY's recently published study "Cultural Times - the First Global Map of Cultural and Creative Industries".
In addition to their strong contribution to regional and national economies in terms of revenues and jobs, cultural and creative industries are an engine of innovation for more sustainable development. José Jorge Letria refers to the examples of the cities of Bilbau and Liverpool where the cultural development led to complete urban rejuvenation. The way toward building a more creative world is full of challenges, so it is up to governments to adopt policies that support these important industries.
To obtain a copy of the article (in Portuguese), please contact SPAutores at: