SSA press release: 2020 at SSA

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The year 2020 has been subject to the negative impact of the corona crisis and culminated in a contrasted image:
- Collections amounted to CHF 23,884,132 (-5.45% compared to the previous year). The decline in the performing rights sector was partially compensated by additional collections in other areas.
- Immediately after the first restrictions imposed by the federal government, SSA implemented the following measures: Nearly all investment projects were frozen, short-time work was introduced and saving measures were swiftly put into place relating to the operational expenses.
- This resulted in an average commission rate which remained at a very low level: 11.12% (-0.75 %).
- SSA pays its members and sister societies on a monthly basis. The total amount of remuneration paid out fell (-8.91%) due to the prohibition of events and due to the lack of extraordinary events, which had positively impacted on the 2019 financial year.
- The problems that had arisen during the distributions of the broadcasting rights entailed intensive work in a constructive exchange with the RTS and the RSI. Agreements with said broadcasters were successfully renegotiated.
- The new Federal Act on Copyright and Related Rights came into force on 01 April 2020. In the case of video-on-demand, there is now a right to remuneration in favour of authors and performers of audiovisual works. The four Swiss collective management organisations had been negotiating this remuneration since the spring of 2020 in the course of a common tariff. SSA is acting for this common tariff no. 14 as the leading CMO, in close cooperation with Suissimage.
- This tricky transition from a contractual to a government-supervised remuneration system is taking place during a time of a strong increase in online offers.
- In the 2020 financial year, CHF 1,001 million were paid into the cultural and CHF 985,140 into the social funds.
- 135 authors received a subsidy from the cultural fund.
- The Swiss associations knew how to band together in order to represent the interests of the cultural sector vis-à-vis the authorities. They were incessant in demanding support measures and compensation payments. SSA was involved in many of these measures.
- At EU level, the CMOs fought the effects of the pandemic and strived for a positive development in the implementation of a new Directive on copyright
- Despite the pandemic, SSA remained operational without any interruptions.
- The Swiss associations successfully banded together in order to represent the interests of the cultural sector vis-à-vis the authorities. They were incessant in demanding support measures and compensation payments. SSA was involved in many of these measures.
- At EU level, the CMOs fought the effects of the pandemic and strived for a positive development in the implementation of a new Directive on copyright
- Despite the pandemic, SSA remained operational without any interruptions.
Note: The annual accounts must be approved by the general meeting, postponed to the end of August.
Download our annual report 2020: French version / German version