SSA press release: 2021 at SSA

Due to the negative impact of the pandemic, 2021 showed a decrease in collections and the ensuing distribution of remuneration, although costs were very well controlled:
- Revenues amounted to CHF 20,841,775 (-12.74% compared to 2020). With several rights management sectors already suffering a decline, the drop in stage performance rights was the most severe: -52% compared to 2020, -67% compared to the average of the last three fiscal years before the pandemic.
- SSA did, however, successfully pursue a strict budget strategy. This is reflected in an average commission rate which remained at a very low level: 11.96% (+0.84 points).
- SSA pays its members and sister societies on a monthly basis. The total amount of remuneration paid out decreased (-26.78%) due to the health measures that affected stage productions and due to the absence of certain phenomena peculiar to the 2020 fiscal year.
- As a result of the programme changes on RTS and RSI in 2019 and 2020, a new distribution table for the 2021 broadcasting rights compensation was introduced, along with a system for making downpayments. An additional payout could be made for the 2020 broadcasts; unfortunately, without reaching the 2019 tariff levels.
- The common tariff 14 for the new mandatory remuneration for authors and performers of audiovisual works was successfully negotiated with the associations representing the companies using the works and approved by the Federal Arbitration Commission. It represents the complexity of the new legal requirements and at the same time the dynamics of the business models in this sector. It went into effect in 2022 and SSA is working on its implementation.
- In the 2021 financial year, CHF 1’152’704.81 were paid into the cultural and CHF 825,986.00 into the social funds.
- 105 authors received a subsidy from the cultural fund.
- The Swiss associations tirelessly advocated the interests of the cultural sector to the authorities. SSA was involved in many of these measures.
- In the EU, collective management organisations continued their efforts to implement a new copyright directive at national level.
- Despite the pandemic, SSA remained operational without any disruption.
Download our annual report 2021: French version / German version