CISAC Meets with Minister of Culture of Angola (uniquement en anglais)

On 7 July, on the occasion of CISAC’s African Committee meeting in Luanda, Angola, a meeting was held between CISAC Director General, the Angolan Minister of Culture Rosa Maria Martins da Cruz e Silva and National Union of Artists and Composers (UNAC) President Manuel Calado.
During the meeting, the Minister expressed the government’s commitment to supporting the development of newly-admitted CISAC member UNAC. CISAC reiterated the need for a supportive legal framework in Angola, and expressed the importance of government involvement in facilitating licensing with key users in the country.
The minister thanked CISAC for the decision to organise its first-ever meeting of the African Committee in Angola. She explained that the Angolan government is updating its legislative work on the protection of creators. The government has also recently approved and referred to the National Assembly draft legislation on the adherence of Angola to the Berne Convention.