AUTODIA press release: Mr. Yiannis Stathakopoulos appointed as new Director General (uniquement en anglais)

The following press release is from AUTODIA.
Autodia is proud to announce the appointment of a new permanent Director General of AUTODIA, Mr. Yiannis Stathakopoulos who takes up his duties today, Friday, February 22, 2019. Mr. Stathakopolous has extensive management experience in the telecommunication, media and digital markets.
On taking up his role Mr. Stathakopolous stated: “I’m excited to take the reins at this challenging time in the Greek market. My vision is for Autodia to become a contemporary, financially autonomous CMO, that will operate with credibility, transparency and efficiency, building trustful relationships between creators, users, other CMOs and the State.”
Mr. Stathakopolous takes over from Mr. Declan Rudden, who has been the Interim CEO of Autodia for the last six months.
As his term at Autodia draws to a close, Mr. Rudden stated “I am proud of Autodia’s many achievements in the last 6 months. The repertoire it represents has grown exponentially with a large increase in members and almost 60 reciprocal agreements signed with sister Societies. Through the support of CISAC, Autodia has created 60 new jobs in key departments such as Public Performance Licensing, Documentation, Mechanical Rights and Financial Services. Major investments in technological infrastructure and software have also taken place. In particular, we have upgraded the documentation and distribution system, which is implemented by an excellent Greek IT company. I would like to thank AUTODIA’s staff who worked extremely hard in difficult conditions to build a long-term sustainable solution for collective management in Greece. I am, of course, sorry that the issue of the unity of Greek creators still remains unresolved today. I’m confident that the appointment of Mr. Stathakopolous will help gradually smooth the negative market climate and will encourage many more Creators and Publishers to join AUTODIA.”