Buma/Stemra press release: Wim van Limpt New CEO Buma/Stemra (uniquement en anglais)

On Wednesday June 15 Wim van Limpt was named the new CEO by the Buma/Stemra General Members Meeting. The board of the copyright organisation announced their unanimous nomination this past May. Van Limpt will take over as CEO with immediate effect and thus succeed Hein van der Ree, who left/stepped down earlier this year.
Van Limpt has been with Buma/Stemra since 2007 and in the last five years he was active as manager of the Member Service Department and General Legal Affairs Department. While serving as manager he developed and implemented a new work process for the department, which resulted in an ECCS certification; a European quality standard for customer contact centres. Last year, Van Limpt received the Custom Contact Manager of the Year Award by the professional association of contact centres (CCMA) for his distinguished working methods and the Member Service Department’s achievements. Van Limpt’s salary is in line with the Senior Officials Standard Remuneration Act, which applies to Buma/Stemra through the Supervision Act.
Dynamic world
Wim van Limpt: “I am glad that because of my years of experience at Buma/Stemra I know what we as an organisation stand for and which challenges we will need to face in the coming years. The music industry is constantly changing: both creators and users are developing new revenue models, whereby we continuously represent the interests of the creators. This requires vision, flexibility, among others in IT, always looking for (international) partnerships and input in the political arena. It’s my goal to, together with the members, continue on the road towards collective success in a dynamic world.”
Chairman of the Board, Leo de Wit, on the Board’s decision: “The Board is pleased to nominate a person, like Wim van Limpt, with sound knowledge of collective management and who is passionate about ensuring the interests of the right holders. In the past few years, Van Limpt has distinguished himself through his significant involvement in author’s rights and his input in the field of services and service provision for members and affiliates.”