Joint call of European creators and producers on broadcasting and retransmissions instrument (uniquement en anglais)

The following joint statement was released by GESAC.
Brussels, 23 November 2018
We the undersigned representatives of the creators and the creative sector wish to express our strong support for the adoption of the Broadcasting and Retransmissions (SatCab) instrument. We appreciate the considerable efforts you have made and urge you to complete your important work to modernise the EU legal framework without any further delay.
For the European creators and for the independent producers that we represent the importance of this legislation is unquestionable and must not be ignored:
- The current legal framework needs to be updated to address known problems and uncertainties and to facilitate Internet based retransmissions and direct injection.
- The issues have been considered and negotiated very carefully by all the institutions for more than two years.
- This instrument can facilitate wider use of broadcasters’ programmes, while securing the legitimate remuneration of creators and right holders.
You are within reach of an agreement. The time to act is
- Not concluding the negotiations at this critical point of time would mean failure of the legislative process.
We sincerely hope that you will not disregard this call of creators from all fields and independent producers from across Europe. Failure to do so would irreversibly harm our future, perpetuate and even exacerbate the current unjustified resource transfer at the expense of our sectors. It would also be a missed responsibility to modernise the legal framework and a failure to protect culture.
Please act now!
- AGICOA – Association of Film & Audiovisual Producers, Producer Associations, and their CRMOs
- CIAGP – International Council of Creators of Graphic, Plastic and Photographic Arts
- CIAM – International Council of Music Authors
- CISAC – International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers
- ECSA – European Composer and Songwriter Alliance
- EUROCINEMA – Association of Cinema and Television Producers
- EUROCOPYA – European Organisation of Movie and Television Producers’ Collecting Societies
- EVA – European Visual Artists
- FERA – Federation of European Film Directors
- FIA – International Federation of Actors
- FSE – Federation of Screenwriters in Europe
- GESAC – European Grouping of Societies of Authors and Composers
- SAA – Society of Audiovisual Authors
- UNI-MEI – International Arts and Entertainment Alliance
- W&DW – Writers and Directors Worldwide