MÜST press release: MÜST rounded off the 2018 MÜST International Songwriting Camp with a lively listening party (uniquement en anglais)

The following press release is from member society MÜST.
MÜST completed another mission impossible with its second year of organizing the international songwriting camp. The camp this year came back with more expectation from the music community in Taiwan.
Ever since the successful closing of the songwriting camp in 2017, MÜST had been receiving many inquiries about the 2018 camp. MÜST invited sister societies of CISAC, record companies, and music copyright publishers to cooperate and organize the international songwriting camp this October. 66 active and popular song writers from 10 countries/regions, China, Hungary, Japan, Korea, Macao, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, and the United States, gathered together in Taipei.

All of the participants were grouped according to their specializations in 3-4 members as a team, including a tracker. MÜST also provided a match platform for every participant at the tea breaks and on the listening party. Every song writer was free to get in touch with the representatives of the music publishers or other buyers who were interested in their music.

66 writers within 34 teams (re-grouped on the recreation day) co-wrote sixty-nine incredible music works and all the works were first announced on the listening party. MÜST appreciated every support from CISAC societies and all the songwriters in the camp and looks forward to hearing these amazing pieces publicly in the near future.

With another successful completion of the camp this year, MÜST will keep working on making the songwriters in Taiwan to be seen and heard.