SIAE press release: High water in Venice: SIAE for books (uniquement en anglais)

The following press release is from member society SIAE.
The tragedy of the bookshop “Acqua Alta” (High Water) in Venice, worldwide known for its peculiarity and for its difficult survival because of the conditions with which the Serenissima has always to live with, in these days must face a destiny contained in its name.
Completely submerged by the incredible tide of these days, the bookshop is facing a situation that this time is not manageable only thanks to its owners enthusiasm and love for books, and it is for this reason that the Società Italiana degli Autori ed Editori has decided to support those who are on the frontline every day to defend the Italian culture.
“Books, records, artworks, films are material and immaterial goods – SIAE’s President Giulio Rapetti Mogol says – and as such they embody our culture. It is our duty to protect them for what they tangibly are and for what they represent. To support those who are presently living such a difficult situation is a moral and social duty, for this reason I hope that may respond to our appeal: associations, citizens and anyone who feels to be a part of a country that is able to love its own history”.
“AIE, member and part of SIAE community, welcomes the initiative aimed at setting up a Fund that can give a first, effective financial support to the world of books and to the Venice heritage. We are close to our colleagues: publishers, booksellers, librarians, all the people working in the cultural sector, as well as to all the citizens that are fighting now to restart their activities”. This was the statement of the President of AIE, Ricardo Franco Levi.
To contrast the loss of hundreds of destroyed books, SIAE - strongly believing that it is necessary to support a key sector of the Italian creative and book industry, fundamental pillar for the culture of each country - has launched a fundraising to help the bookshops and the libraries in Venice.
You will find below the IBAN of the bank account addressed to the bookshops and libraries of Venice that have been seriously damaged by the climatic events of these last days.
IT 36 V 02008 05085 000105794751
For the bank transfers made from abroad the BIC SWIFT code is UNCRITM1B33
As explains SIAE’s Managing Director Gaetano Blandini “We have talked with the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism - MIBACT and with the trade associations, then we have decided to set up a Fund dedicated to this emergency that is not local but national. I invite all the those who can – authors, publishers, societies/companies’ employees, readers and supporters of culture, to pay their contribution by December 15 next. SIAE has immediately allocated EUR 150000; we hope that many people are willing to join us in this emergency that regards all the world.
With the help of MIBACT and of the local institutions we are going to identify the damaged bookshops and libraries and before Christmas we will personally give the checks to their owners”.