UACRR press release: UACRR pays record-breaking royalties for Depeche Mode concert (uniquement en anglais)

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Ukrainian Agency of Copyright and Related Rights (UACRR) set a record for collections in Ukraine. This past July, UACRR licensed the concert of British rock legends, Depeche Mode, in Kiev. The royalties collected for this concert is the largest amount collected for a live performance in the history of Ukrainian copyright. For a comparison, this amount is more than the total royalties paid out by all Ukrainian radio stations last year.
UACRR worked closely with its British partner, PRS for Music, to achieve this result. UACRR noted, “This concert reiterated that copyright is starting to be respected in Ukraine, summarising efforts by UACRR and our British partner, PRS for Music”. Despite a problematic collective management situation in Ukraine, UACRR uses its best efforts to protect the interests of authors whose works are used in Ukraine.
In May 2017, UACRR licensed the Eurovision Song Contest in Kiev and was recognised by Europe’s author’s rights community as positive step in regards to Ukrainian copyright reform efforts as well as to transform UACRR from a government agency to organisation accountable to and regulated by authors and composers.