UACRR press release: UACRR signs agreement with 1+1 Media (uniquement en anglais)

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The Ukrainian Agency of Copyright and Related Rights (UACRR) has signed an agreement with the country’s biggest media holding company and music user, 1+1 Media. The company’s portfolio includes 1+1, 2+2, ТЕТ, PlusPlus, UNIAN TV and Bigudi television channels, which accounts for the largest audience in Ukraine.
This agreement marks a significant step forward within the context of ongoing Ukrainian copyright reforms and to increase collections from TV and radio users. In this regard, UACRR has constantly received support from the International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers, CISAC who addressed the issue of non-fulfilment of copyright obligations by broadcasting organizations and copyright infringement in Ukraine overall in various letters to Ukrainian authorities..
Signing an agreement with 1+1 Media is key for copyright and royalty payment development in the country for local and international authors. UACRR declared: “We hope this agreement will set a good example for the other players of domestic media market as a great step towards resurrection of copyright among representatives of Ukrainian media.”.
Earlier his year, UACRR achieved collective management success by licensing the Eurovision Song Contest as well as setting a record for live performance collections for summer concert of Depeche Mode, both in Kiev.