Gender Equality

Women@CISAC aims to conduct research, raise awareness and share best practices to support CISAC members in advancing the goal of equality and inclusion. This initiative is a key priority for the coming years and is led by an executive committee comprised of working creators, academics and experts in the field of gender equality.
Since its relaunch at the 2018 general assembly in Warsaw, Women@CISAC has gathered gender research from within creative industries, shared this on panels and at symposiums all over the world and held an inaugural Women@CISAC World Congress event in Lisbon.
Strategies and actions are being collaboratively developed to address the issues being reported in gender equity surveys around the world.
Learn more about the initiative below:

One of Women@CISAC's first actions was to conduct a survey of CISAC member societies to understand the extent and impact of the gender balance issue. It quantifies the proportion of women members, executives and creators as well as quantifies the impact of any imbalance and summarises global initiatives. Similar studies are being conducted by CISAC members. Together these are adding to the knowledge base and helping to formulate corrective strategies.

As Women@CISAC progresses, work to raise awareness and gather research is happening all the time. Activities are extended through new projects, partners and building an online resource to help CISAC members work to redress inequalities.
CISAC members may log in to access the private working documents below: