1 May 2019 Society news ASCAP press release: ASCAP annual revenue and distributions continue to break records
28 Feb 2019 Society news ASCAP and BMI open letter: BMI President & CEO Mike O’Neill and ASCAP CEO Elizabeth Matthews Issue Open Letter to the Industry on Consent Decree Reform
25 Apr 2018 Society news ASCAP press release: ASCAP CEO Elizabeth Matthews Statement on House Passage of the Music Modernization Act HR 5447
19 Apr 2018 Society news ASCAP press release: ASCAP delivers for the first time more than $1 billion to songwriter, composer and music publisher members
13 Jun 2017 Society news ASCAP press release: ASCAP and YouTube Reach Multi-Year Agreement for US Performance Rights
7 Apr 2017 Society news ASCAP, SACEM and PRS for Music press release: ASCAP, SACEM, and PRS for Music initiate joint blockchain project to improve data accuracy for rightsholders
18 Sep 2016 Society news ASCAP press release: A Message from Paul Williams to ASCAP Members About Judge Stanton's Rejection of DOJ Proposal on 100% Licensing