- Society news
PRS press release: PRS for Music launches new Member Anti-Piracy System ‘MAPS’ to combat online music piracy
- Society news
Teosto press release: Polaris Release Nordic Music Survey
- Articles
CISAC Delegation Visits Russia
- Society news
ECCD press release: TISA Agreement: the ECCD Support the European Parliament's Recommendations
- Society news
PRS press release: PRS for Music and PPL Confirm Plan to Create New Joint Venture for Public Performance Licensing
- Articles
Rwanda: Authors Training on Authors' Rights and Collective Management
- Articles
Rwandan Authors’ testimonials
- Society news
GEMA press release: Higher Regional Court Munich (OLG) Decides: Licensing Duties lie with the Uploaders, not YouTube
- Society news
French Society ADAGP Elects Christian Jaccard as New President