- Articles
KOMCA’s CISAC Day in Paris builds cooperation and collaboration
- Articles
CISAC and UNESCO address creators' remuneration at Paris conference
- News Releases
CISAC welcomes UNESCO guidelines as an important step to addressing the transfer of value
- Gallery
Photo Gallery: Writers & Directors Worldwide Executive Committee in Lisbon
- Articles
Increased adoption of The Audiovisual Campaign invigorates W&DW Executive Committee in Lisbon
- Gallery
Photo Gallery: UNESCO and CISAC conference on fairly remunerating creators in the digital environment
- Society news
ASCAP press release: ASCAP and YouTube Reach Multi-Year Agreement for US Performance Rights
- News Releases
CISAC President Jean-Michel Jarre speaks at UNESCO, calling for global legislation to ensure digital platforms pay creators fairly
- Society news
SOCAN press release: SOCAN Powers Forward with Record-Breaking Royalties for Music Creators and Music Publishers